State College Direct Primary Care (DPC)

What is Direct Primary Care?

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When are you opening?

Do you accept Medicare or HSA as payment?

Get in touch.

Direct Primary Care is a subscription-based payment model for primary care services. Instead of paying per visit, you pay a low monthly rate for primary care services.

Dr. Mark Molckovsky is a board-certified family physician living in State College. Dr. Molckovsky completed his residency in 2019 at Mount Nittany Medical Center through Penn State Health and currently practices at several assisted living facilities in and around State College.

As of right now there is no set date for opening. Please sign up above to be included on any announcements. If you are an employer or DPC network interested in opening up an onsite clinic please get in touch.

State College DPC cannot accept any Medicare beneficiaries at this time. Please speak with your tax advisor whether you can pay for a DPC membership from your HSA account.
